Photograph lightning and capture dramatic photos during a thunderstorm with the Lightning Bug Auto Shutter Release by MK Controls.The Lightning Bug is a special device for outdoor photographers to photograph lighting strikes during the day or at night. How the Lightning Bug Works The two stages of lightning are: 1.) The bright white flash you want to photograph and 2.) The unseen infrared light that comes before that. The Lightning Bug allows you to photograph lightning during a thunderstorm by using a high-speed photodiode sensor optimized to the infrared burst that occurs before lightning strikes. Because infrared light comes from vaporization of air and particles, the Lightning Bug acts as a lookout for your camera, watching for a change in infrared light. Complete Control Over When to Take the Image When a considerable change of infrared light occurs over a short period of time, the Lightning Bug directs the camera shutter to capture the lightning right when it happens. The Lightning Bug’s exclusive sensitivity adjustment circuitry makes it so that you can customize its operation for your shooting situation, giving you total control over when you capture the shot. If you only want to capture the boldest lightning bolts simply decrease the sensitivity. On the other hand, if you’d like to photograph lightning over a mountain range from a far distance just increase the sensitivity. Only the Lightning Bug gives you this fine level of control to create images. The Lightning Bug allows you to limit the number of possible exposures per second to between 1 and 10 so you can capture dramatic shots of repeated lightning strikes.